SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Atlantic Council – The days of elite deals in Sudan should be over

11/4/2022: Atlantic Council – The days of elite deals in Sudan should be over, by Cameron Hudson


Atlantic Council senior fellow Cameron Hudson calls for the international community to strengthen their allegiance with the Sudanese people in order to prevent Sudan’s military leaders establishing a Security and Defence Council that paves the way for quick elections that provide surface-level legitimacy for the military.


Alongside proposing targeting sanctions on coup leaders, Hudson suggests that the international community adapt its public messaging according to Sudanese public demands and sentiments.


This would entail ending calls for the military to enact “confidence-building measures” as this “only plays into the existing discriminatory power dynamics in the country and elevate the security services as an equal, if not legitimate, part of Sudan’s political future”, with calls for “return to civilian-led transitional government…reflecting deafness to popular calls for a new way forward”. Instead, Hudson suggests that the military is reminded that “a return to the pre-revolution status quo is both impossible and unacceptable.”