SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Bloomberg - Sudan's Dictator Is Toppled, but His Regime Remains


12/4/19: Bloomberg – Sudan’s Dictator Is Toppled, but His Regime Remains, by Eli Lake


Bloomberg Opinion columnist Eli Lake calls on the US and its allies to resist the temptation to reach out to the military regime that replaced Omar Al Bashir, and to isolate Sudan “until it is free.”

Disputing that the military coup is the end to Sudan’s “nightmare,” Lake callS on the US and allies to align more closely with Sudan’s popular protest movement.

Lake also highlights recommendations made by John Prendergast, co-founder of Sentry, a non-governmental organization dedicated to tracking the assets of war criminals, who called for a new campaign to track and freeze the overseas accounts of the regime’s leaders, and for legal and technological support for Sudanese protest organisers.