SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: New Yorker - Sudan's Uprising, Bashir's fall and my father's passing

16/5/19: New Yorker – Sudan’s Uprising, Bashir’s fall, and my father’s passing, by Ismail Kushkush

 Ismail Kushkush argues that Sudanese protesters may finally bring about the dreams of his late father’s “giving generation,” and create a Sudan that will bring its people and his father peace.

 Kushkush’s father, who passed away on the evening that Omar Al Bashir fell, belonged to a generation that had big dreams of progress, but reluctantly left Sudan in 1980s due to “political and economic realities.”

 Kushkush states that many Sudanese were inundated with stories from their parents about what Sudan was, and what it became. However, he argued with his father than Sudan had always faced challenges, including “deep prejudice” and “staggering inequality.”

Nonetheless, he argues that the protests restored Sudan’s “trampled-upon sense of dignity, [and] pride in what Sudan once was and what it could become.”