SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Vice News - This Warlord Could Determine The Future of Sudan

24/5/19: Vice News – This Warlord Could Determine The Future of Sudan, by Jason Patinkin

 Jason Patinkin’s feature piece argues that Himedti is solidifying his dominance over Sudan’s future, via the RSF and a PR campaign

 Patinkin argues that Himedti building up the RSF into a “massive mercenary army,” has given him powerful international connections – citing Saudi Arabia and the UAE paying him to send RSF troops to Yemen, and the EU reliance on the RSF to stem migrant flows.

 In addition, the RSF is said to threaten to usurp the regular Sudanese army as the most powerful armed force in Khartoum.

 Patinkin also highlights Himedti’s populist politician “act,” arguing that Himedti is exploiting perceptions in Khartoum that he is ignorant and uncivilised, to “[appear] to be something of a working class hero for some rural folk side-lined by Khartoum’s elite.”