SUDAN NEWS ALERT: AP – Protesters in Sudan fear long-term sit-in could be dispersed

31/5/19: AP – Protesters in Sudan fear long-term sit-in could be dispersed


Protesters in Sudan on Friday voiced concerns that the TMC might disperse the Khartoum sit-in, after a general described it as a “threat to the revolution.”

 Maj. Gen. Othman Hamed of Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces said the sit-in “has become a hub for all kind of criminal acts…an unsafe place...and is threat to the national security of the state,” adding that “the [RSF] in coordination with other security forces ... [will] carry out legal procedures to stop…this behavior.”

 Tarek Abdel Meguid, a communist DFC leader, said that such “statements reveal the intention of the military council, which is not a partner to our revolution, to disperse the sit-in and to monopolize power.” He also dismissed allegations of illicit activities.