SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: IFPRI – The Russia-Ukraine conflict is likely to compound Sudan’s existing food security problems

6/4/2022: IFPRI – The Russia-Ukraine conflict is likely to compound Sudan’s existing food security problems

The International Food Policy Research Institute propose policy measures for Sudan to mitigate increased wheat prices triggered by Russian’s invasion of Ukraine, and build a more resilient wheat and agrifood system, including:

  • Increased investments in roads and other market infrastructure to reduce transaction costs.

  • Additional research and extension efforts to increase production of alternatives to wheat production, including drought-tolerant sorghum and millet on non-irrigated land.

  • A cash transfer system targeting the poorest households could be considered to compensate for the removal of bread subsidies.

  • Addressing food security data gaps, and increasing monitoring and analytical capacity as accurate targeting of either cash or in-kind transfer programs would require up-to-date household data.