SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune - Sudan's SCoP reiterates no concession over power transfer to civil rule

7/5/19: Sudan Tribune – Sudan’s SCoP reiterates no concession over power transfer to civil rule

The leader of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP), Omar Al Digair, said that the handover of power to a civilian entity remains an undisputed goal that the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change are resolved to reach.

"There is no concession or compromise on this matter," Al Digair said, adding that "negotiations with the Transitional Military Council have one goal: to transfer power to civilians from the revolutionary forces to implement the Declaration of the Forces of Freedom and Change."

Al Digair also said that "the revolution did not win completely…there are cells that are still living in the body of the system representing the deep state, and must be removed," he said.