SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Asharq Al-Awsat - Sudan Opposition Figure to Asharq Al-Awsat: We are Close to Agreement with Military Council

8/5/19: Asharq Alawsat – Sudan Opposition Figure to Asharq Al-Awsat: We are Close to Agreement with Military Council, by Ahmed Younes and Aidarous Abdulaziz

 A leading member of Sudan’s opposition Declaration of Freedom and Change, Omar Al Digair, expressed optimism that an agreement may soon be reached with the transitional military council (TMC) on Sudan’s future.

 Al Digair said that the disputes are centered on the sovereign council that both sides are looking to set-up, saying “[the TMC] want a military council, while we want a civilian one with military representation and limited privileges.”

 Asked whether Sudanese political parties can lead Sudan’s transition, Al Digair said that Sudanese political parties “have been exhausted by the oppression of the former regime,” and that they were deprived of communicating with the youth.

 Al Digiar also said that the Islamist PCP and NCP parties would not participate in Sudan’s transitional period, and must wait until elections.