SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: New York Times – A Season Of Hope, by Jamal Mahjoub

22/8/19: New York Times – A Season Of Hope, by Jamal Mahjoub

 Sudanese author Jamal Mahjoub calls for Sudanese to understand what it means to have an opportunity to restore and rebuild the country, amid the power-sharing agreement that is “only the first step on a precarious route.”

 Arguing that Sudan’s future lies with the young – Mahjoub calls for Sudan’s old guard to step aside and allow Sudan to achieve its full potential.

 Mahjoub concludes that failure to reform the system of governance and economy would crush the hopes of Sudanese youth, warning that this outcome would put Sudan “on the road of no return, heading toward possible disintegration, economic and political instability, regional conflict and the untold suffering of millions.”