SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: AFP - Sudan villagers reel from Nile water floods

26/8/19: AFP - Sudan villagers reel from Nile water floods, by Menna Zaki

In a feature piece, AFP spoke to various locals from White Nile state in southern Sudan, which has been hit hardest by devastating floods that have swallowed up entire villages.

 The residents of Wad Ramli and Wawesi Ghrab vallages expressed devastation at their houses and belongings being destroyed and said they are running out of ways to roll-back the water threat.

Resident Hozeifa AlSir, expressed fear of an outbreak of disease amid “mosquitos and flies hovering everywhere.”

 Teenage student Shehab Al-Din Mohammed said: "the academic year will start soon and I have no idea how I would submit my documents after I lost everything.”

 "We have not been able to survey the number of houses affected…due to the rising water levels," said Farouk Ahmed, supervisor of a Red Crescent aid team.