SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Reuters - Sudan's PM calls military involvement in private sector 'unacceptable'

14/12/2020: Reuters –  Sudan's PM calls military involvement in private sector 'unacceptable'


Reuters report that Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok said the involvement of Sudan’s military in the private sector is “unacceptable,” and such enterprises should be turned into public companies.

“You cannot manage resources belonging to the Sudanese people without transparency or accountability. There’s no wavering on this,” Hamdok added.

His comments came in response to a question about a law passed by the U.S. Congress requiring financial transparency and civilian control over Sudan’s state-owned enterprises as a condition for U.S. assistance to Sudan, which he said would “surely help the democratic transition.”

Hamdok said his administration’s desire is to turn the military-owned companies into public joint stock companies in which the public can invest. “It’s easier said than done, but we will work on it and see what we can achieve,” he said.