SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Al-Rakoba – Sudan is between the hammer of Ethiopia and the anvil of Egypt

19/12/2020: Al-Rakoba – Sudan is between the hammer of Ethiopia and the anvil of Egypt, by Ismail Abdullah

 Ismail Abdullah calls for the government to postpone a declaration of war on Ethiopia until a legitimate legislative council representing all Sudanese is formed, arguing that the communities engulfed in the Sudan-Ethiopia border skirmishes deserve to peacefully co-exist away from the politics of conflicting interests and regional interference.

Abdullah argues that Sudan’s conflict with Ethiopia is a proxy war waged on the behalf of Egypt, fitting into a wider pattern of consecutive Sudanese governments “forsaking Sudan’s interest and status as an independent state” through involvement in Middle-East conflicts, resulting in “the loss of Sudan’s best international and regional partners, as well as the distancing of Sudan from its African and moderate Arab incubators.”

To emphasise the risk of opening up a battle front on the eastern border with Ethiopia, Abdullah also warns that while “Ethiopians