SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune -  Sudan’s FFC urge al-Burhan to review his partnership’s decre

6/12/2020: Sudan Tribune -  Sudan’s FFC urge al-Burhan to review his partnership’s decree 

 Sudan Tribune report that the Forces for Freedom and Changes (FFC) rejected the powers conferred to the Transition Partners Council (TPC) and urged Sovereign Council chairman Abdelfattah al-Burhan to review his decision.

 The FFC groups stated that powers conferred to the TPC are inconsistent with Article 80 of the Amended Transitional Constitutional Document, with the decree not being presented to the FFC and providing the council with powers that “divert it away from the coordinating nature for which it was established.”

 The FFC thus called for further discussions on the matter.

 Al-Burhan’s TPC decree said that it directs the transitional period and can interfere in the government attributions, including obstructing the transitional parliament.