SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Reuters - Sudan agrees ex-president Bashir should appear before ICC over Darfur

11/1/2020: Reuters - Sudan agrees ex-president Bashir should appear before ICC over Darfur, by Khalid Abdelaziz and Denis Dumo

Reuters reports on split public opinion in Khartoum following news that the transitional government agrees that Omar al-Bashir should be sent to face the ICC.

A young woman named Reem said: “He should go straight to the criminal court because want peace in our country by any means…if the (Darfur) movements want him to go, no problem. He’s already a war criminal in their view.”

However, another protester, Mowafeq Othman, said handing al-Bashir over to the ICC would undermine Sudan’s courts. “Don’t hand him over, this would mean Sudan’s judiciary is weak - so long as he is a Sudanese citizen, regardless of anything else, he should be tried here,” he said.