SUDAN POLITICAL ALERT: Doctors Without Borders – Sudan: People fleeing violence in Ethiopia face new challenges in search of shelter

11/1/2021: Doctors Without Borders – Sudan: People fleeing violence in Ethiopia face new challenges in search of shelter

 Doctors Without Borders/Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) call for rapid assistance to address the needs of Tigrayan refugees —“particularly in advance of the rainy season, which will make this area of Sudan very difficult to access.”

MSF state: “it is extremely important that the government of Sudan, the UN, donors, and NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] do everything in their power to scale up; coordination by UNHCR [the UN Refugee Agency] and the Sudanese COR [Commissioner for Refugees] needs to be improved; more funding from donors is urgently needed; and permission to import supplies and start activities must happen in days, instead of weeks.” 

Among the biggest challenges noted by MSF are access to enough medical supplies, the shortage of experienced medical staff, alongside logistical and financial issues caused by the pandemic, fuel shortages and inflation in Sudan.