SUDAN NEWS ALERT: AP - Sudan protesters delay signing deal with army for 2nd time

14/7/19: AP - Sudan protesters delay signing deal with army for 2nd time, by Samy Magdy

 The Declaration of Freedom and Change postponed a scheduled meeting with the country’s ruling generals for a second time on Sunday, saying “further consultations” were needed before they would sign a power-sharing deal with the military, reports AP.

 The DFC leaders said the meeting was pushed back to Tuesday. “We are still debating within the DFC over the constitutional document. We need to draft out notes in legal form before the meeting,” Mohammed Yousef Al Mustafa, a spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals’ Association, which has spearheaded the protests and initiated the DFC coalition.

 The Sudanese Communist party, which is part of the DFC, said it rejected the power-sharing agreement because it does not include an international investigation into the crackdown and keeps paramilitary forces in existence.