SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources – Talks between FFC politicians and rebels show progress

24/7/19: Multiple sources – Talks between FFC politicians and rebels show progress

 Yasir Arman, leader of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) coalition of armed movements, has announced the agreement with the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) on 11 points in the document on the transition to peace, although no agreement had been reached on how to set up transitional bodies, including peace issues and the participation of armed forces.

 Although some media reported that the FFC politicians agreed to allocate two of its five seats at the sovereign council to armed groups, the Sudanese Professionals Association’s Mohammed Alasam denied this, saying: “the people want competencies to implement the Declaration for Freedom and Change only.”

 The FFC also issued a statement saying that the consultations in Addis Ababa are not for quotas or power-sharing, and that places on the council will be allocated to those judged for their “patriotic competencies.”