SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: UN World Food Programme – Sudan: Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment Summary Q1

16/6/2022: UN World Food Programme – Sudan: Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment Summary Q1

The UN World Food Programme’s Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment for Sudan offered policy solutions to combat food insecurity confronting 34% of Sudan’s population, including:

·      Creating sustainable and stable livelihood opportunities, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

·      Improving agricultural productivity, food availability and employment by supporting financial services and agricultural inputs to farmers.

·      Reducing food loss and addressing the structural lack of storage capacities by promoting initiatives such as the WFP’s hermetic storage bag, increasing storage capacity and investing in strategic silo system to avoid food shortages.

·      Investing in productive infrastructure such as the Peace Roads initiative to connect the most food insecure areas such as Darfur, South Kordofan and the Blue Nile which cannot be accessed by the main transport corridors, thereby generating income generating opportunities, trade,  and more opportunities for people to meet their basic needs, alongside connecting small farmers connect to functioning  markets.