SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: CNN - Activists were killed and women were raped. But some defiant Sudanese say their revolution isn’t over yet

20/6/19: CNN – Activists were killed and women were raped. But some defiant Sudanese say their revolution isn’t over yet, by Ben Wedeman and Kareem Khadder

CNN’s feature piece explored the atmosphere in Sudan following the June 3 massacre, reporting on a Himedti rally, and speaking to military council critics.

 Himedti’s rally are said to push the message that the RSF are trying to restore Sudanese security and stability, with one attendee, tribal leader Hassan Jaafar, saying that allegations of RSF complicity for the massacre was “not our business…I didn’t see any killing or anything.”

 Sulaima Sharif, who heads a trauma centre, said she believes that social stigmas means that the number of rapes are likely to be higher than recorded, and the RSF deliberately targeted females. She said that she is not scared to speak out because “Himedti will kill us anyway…at least we should die with dignity.”

 The protest spirit is living on in Omdorman, where crowd numbers are increasing, and larger protests are in the pipeline.