SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Bloomberg – Sudan’s Lurch Toward Democracy

22/6/19: Bloomberg – Sudan’s Lurch Toward Democracy, by Tobin Harshaw

 Tobin Harshaw, a Bloomberg editor, interviewed Judd Devermont, director of the Africa program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the US National Intelligence Council’s former Africa point person.

 Devermont called for the US to build on engaging with Saudi Arabia and the UAE on Sudan’s future, arguing that the US “needs to be a counterweight to Gulf influence.”

 Devermont further called for the US to support Sudanese protesters and champion moderates within the military council – or “at least elements…that can make compromises.” Nonetheless, Devermont conceded that the military council has no interest in democratic transition under Himedti’s leadership.

 Devermont then cited Sudan’s presence “at the crossroads of Africa and the Middle East,” and as “an exporter of insecurity…in the rest of region,” to argue that a peaceful Sudan would be conducive to a peaceful sub-Saharan Africa and “productive” in the US’ Middle East and Egyptian policies.