SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources – US Supreme Court to consider reviving $4 billion terror award against Sudan over US embassy bombings in 1998

28/6/19: Multiple sources – US Supreme Court to consider reviving $4 billion terror award against Sudan over US embassy bombings in 1998

Bloomberg, by Greg Stohr

Reuters, by Andrew Chung

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider reviving a $4.3 billion punitive damage award against Sudan for providing al-Qaeda with a haven while the terrorist group planned the 1998 bombings outside the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

The award came in a lawsuit on behalf of more than 150 U.S. government employees and contractors who were killed or injured, as well as hundreds of family members.

The punitive damages are part of a $10.2 billion award they won when Sudan didn’t defend against a lawsuit filed in Washington. However, US sovereign-immunity law does not permit punitive damages for actions that took place before Congress amended the law in 2008 to authorize those types of awards.

 US President Donald Trump’s administration urged the Supreme Court to hear the case and reinstate the punitive damages award.