SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: AP - Sudan's deadly crackdown evokes Arab Spring bloodshed

5/6/19: AP – Sudan’s deadly crackdown evokes Arab Spring bloodshed, by Tamer Fakahany

 Tamer Fakahany argues that the deadly crackdown in Sudan has evoked Arab Spring bloodshed from earlier this decade — uprisings in Egypt, Syria and Libya.

 Fakahany argues that the theme in Middle-East protests is that after the success of street protests against dictators, the military steps in to either “prop up the leader and his family, or safeguard the military’s own longevity after a leader falls,” with ruinous civil war with external intervention breaking out in some cases.

 Fakahany re-caps military crackdowns in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Libya, with only the Tunisian revolution successfully leading to democracy. Fakahany then re-caps the Sudanese crisis since December 2018, with the recent crackdown, call for snap elections and dismissal of protesters demands showing that “the army has no intention of ushering civilian rule and relinquishing its own power any time soon.”