SUDAN NEWS ALERT: AP – Sudanese vow to keep up protests after crackdown

6/6/19: AP – Sudanese vow to keep up protests after crackdown, by Bassam Hatoum and Noha Elhennawy

 AP reports that Sudan’s pro-democracy movement vowed Thursday to press its campaign of civil disobedience until the ruling military council is ousted and killers of protesters are brought to justice, as security forces fanned out across the capital and appeared to thwart any new demonstrations.

 The Sudanese Professionals Association said security forces have attacked demonstrators in more than a dozen cities and towns, in some cases beating, killing and raping civilians. The SPA did not provide further information about the attacks.

The group urged people to block main roads and bridges to “paralyze public life” across the country.

 “Our success depends on our full adherence to peaceful protests, no matter how hard the criminal militias seek to drag us into violence,” the SPA said.