SUDAN NEWS ALERT: AP - Proposed UN resolution would support Sudan’s peace efforts

19/3/2020: AP - Proposed UN resolution would support Sudan’s peace efforts, by Edith M. Lederer and Justin Lynch

 AP report that a proposed UN Security Council resolution would replace the joint UN-African Union peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) with a UN political and peace-building mission whose primary aim would be to support Sudan’s fragile transition to democracy, including in drafting a new constitution and preparing for elections.

 The proposed resolution will be known as the UN Political and Peace-building Integrated Mission in Sudan (UNPPIMS), starting May 1 for an initial period of one year. UNPPIMS is authorised to support the implementation of any future peace agreements in Darfur, the Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

 However, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has criticised the report, with Executive Director Kenneth Roth calling on the UN Security Council to recognise that “that Darfur requires a far more gradual withdrawal” because “civilians can’t trust Sudanese security forces alone and still look to peacekeepers for protection.”