SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune - Sudan’s prosecutor orders arrest PCP leader over 1989 coup

12/11/19: Sudan Tribune - Sudan’s prosecutor orders arrest PCP leader over 1989 coup

 Sudan Tribune reports that Sudan’s prosecutor general Ahmed al-Nur al-Hala has issued arrest warrants against individuals involved in the Islamist coup that brought Omar al-Bashir to power, including Ali al-Haj, the leader of the Popular Congress Party (PCP), a splinter group from al-Bashir’s National Congress Party (PCP).

 The assertions come from the Forces of Freedom and Change’s Legal Committee Coordinator Mohamed Hassan Arabi. An arrest warrant has also been allegedly issued for Ibrahim al-Sanusi, a leading PCP member, as well as leading NCP members Omar al-Bashir, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, Nafei Ali Nafei and Awad Ahmed Jazz.

 However, PCP Political Secretary Idriss Suleiman denied Ali al-Haj’s arrest saying that "(Arabi’s) statements are pure political statements rather than assertions of fact."

 Suleiman also bemoaned the FFC “speaking on the behalf of the judicial organs,” labelling political interference in legal matters a “calamity” and “chaos [that] will lead Sudan to the abyss.”