SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources – Sudan’s ruling FFC coalition agrees to hand over al-Bashir to the ICC

5/11/19: Multiple sources – Sudan’s ruling FFC coalition agrees to hand over al-Bashir to the ICC

The Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) coalition announced that all its components agreed to hand-over the ousted President Omer al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court (ICC), in the first FFC statements on the matter.

 However, the military council has rejected al-Bashir’s handover, saying it would be decided by the first elected government after the elections scheduled for three years. Prime Minister Hamdok’s position on the matter is that al-Bashir must be tried in Sudan after the establishment of an independent judiciary.

 In addition, Justice Minister Nasreddine Abdelbari denied supporting al-Bashir’s transfer to the ICC.

 Furthermore, the deputy chairman of the Darfur Bar Association said the matter was discussed with Sudan’s Attorney General Taj al-Sir Ali al-Habir, during which both sides agreed that “it was not the right time to make statements over al-Bashir handover to the ICC.”