SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune - SLM’s al-Nur welcomes Hamdok’s pledge to hand al-Bashir over to the ICC

8/11/19: Sudan Tribune - SLM’s al-Nur welcomes Hamdok’s pledge to hand al-Bashir over to the ICC

 Sudan Tribune reports that the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur (SLM/AW) welcomed pledges made by the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok to hand over the former president Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court.

 Al-Nur underscored the need to hold accountable others involved in war-crimes committed in Dafur, noting that over 300,000 civilians were killed during the counter-insurgency campaign carried out by al-Bashir’s regime and its allied militias.

 "Only trying Omar al Bashir, is an insult and offence to the dignity of the Sudanese people that will not be tolerated," Al Nur said.