SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources – Sudan’s new attorney general: ‘Rule of Law to prevail in Sudan’

16/10/19: Multiple sources – Sudan’s new attorney general: ‘Rule of Law to prevail in Sudan’

 Sudan’s newly appointed Attorney General Taj-Alsir Al-Hebir says that the Public Prosecution will take into consideration the aspirations of the people of Sudan towards the Rule of Law.

 Al-Hebir also promised to resolve outstanding issues in the Public Prosecution: such as corruption and accountability of those involved in the killing of protesters in Sudan’s uprising, the violent events in September-October 2013, and the undermining of the Constitutional Order since Omar al-Bashir’s regime took power.

 He stressed the need for the prosecution to play its role in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

 Attorney General El Hibir called on the efforts of all prosecutors to work together to establish the values of justice and guarantee the rule of law.