SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: AFP – Sudan to build 'youth' economy, seeks international support

24/10/19: AFP – Sudan to build 'youth' economy, seeks international support

 In an interview with AFP, Sudan’s finance minister Ibrahim Elbadawi said that the transitional government is seeking support to build a youth-focused economy through fundamental reforms and a new safety net.

 Elbadawi told AFP “it is our responsibility” to prioritise youth needs and aspirations, as “they made this revolution.” He added that the government wants to invest in education to create a more tech-savvy economy.

 However, with “65% of Sudanese probably under the poverty line,” Elbadawi said that Sudan will delay disruptive reforms until it can protect the poorest.

 He went on to call for the support of Sudan’s international partners to establish a social safety net, saying that Sudan is looking to set up an electronic cash transfer system for vulnerable populations including pregnant women and families with small children, likening the effort to establishing a universal basic income.