SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: African Centre for Peace and Justice Studies - The influx of Sudanese fighters into Libya could be a security threat to Sudan

27/10/2020: African Centre for Peace and Justice Studies - The influx of Sudanese fighters into Libya could be a security threat to Sudan

 With Sudanese mercenaries reportedly fighting in Libya on both sides of the conflict, ACPJS argue that peace cannot be established in Sudan as long as mercenaries in Libya are acquiring military weapons amid uncertainty over how they intend to use them when they return to Sudan.

 ACJPS calls on Sudanese authorities to launch a disarmament campaign and embark on strong rehabilitation process for people from conflict areas, alongside addressing unemployment to avoid people thinking the war is an option to make money.

 ACJPS further call on authorities to enact strong law against mercenaries and fully implement it in collaboration with the government of Libya.