SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources – Three protesters killed during large Oct 30 Marches of the Millions

30/10/2021: Multiple sources – Three protesters killed during large Oct 30 Marches of the Millions


Three protesters were killed and hundreds were wounded in the October 30 ‘Marches of the Millions’, the largest pro-democracy protest since the coup.


Military forces fired at protesters across Sudan, including in: Khartoum, Omdorman, al-Gadarif in the east and Nyala in Darfur.


According to the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors, the wounded toll in Khartoum, al-Gadarif and Kassala reached 165, including eight serious injuries at

Omdurman Hospital. At least 47 of those wounded were shot with live ammunition.


East Nile Hospital also recorded 105 injuries, including six critical injuries resulting from bullet wounds. In al-Gadarif, eight demonstrators were injured.


Mohammed Yousef al-Mustafa, a spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals’ Association said “No power-sharing mediation with the military council again,” while marching at an area protest.