SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: al-Rakoba – About the "alleged" coup

23/9/2021: al-Rakoba – About the "alleged" coup, by Mu'tasim Bukhari

With the end of military’s presidency of the Sovereign Council approaching, Dr. Mu’tasim Bukhari argues that “something is being woven in complete darkness, and there is an intent to do something,” as the military are “in fear and apprehension of the consequences of leaving power in the hands of civilians”.  

Bukhari disputes the authenticity of the coup attempt, by asking several questions:

Why did the coup leaders not first arrest all political and military leaders? Why was General Command of the Armed Forces was not taken over, nor vital facilities such as the airport, television and communication facilities, and bridges across the capital? Why were the two officers who attempted to get the coup statement broadcasted unarmed, and why were they turned away “like delivery workers who got the address wrong” from the national media centre?