SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Bloomberg – Sudan Urges Foreign Oil Firms to Step Up Investment

23/9/19: Bloomberg – Sudan Urges Foreign Oil Firms to Step Up Investment, by Mohammed Alamin and Salma El Wardany

 Bloomberg reports that Sudan’s newly appointed oil and mining minister Adel Ali Ibrahim urged international energy companies to speed up efforts to find and develop deposits in Sudan.

 Officials from Schlumberger Ltd, an oilfield services company, met with Ibrahim and expressed a readiness to resume working in Sudan.

 Ibrahim said he’s seeking the “return of the oil and gas sector to its leading role by developing the fields and solving the issues that caused the drop in production.”

 Sudan pumped 100,000 barrels a day of crude last year, a fraction of what it produced before South Sudan became independent, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

 Ibrahim, in the meeting with Schlumberger officials, discussed investment opportunities in the Red Sea and central Sudan as well as at existing fields.