SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune – Sudanese Communists SPLM-N al Hilu agree to work for diversity in Sudan

6/9/2020: Sudan Tribune – Sudanese Communists SPLM-N al Hilu agree to work for diversity in Sudan

 Sudan Tribune report that the Sudanese Communist Party and the Abdelaziz al-Hilu faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N al-Hilu) agreed to work together to ensure religious diversity, through the inclusion of fundamental principles in the Sudanese constitution that “should not be amended under any circumstances.”

 The two parties agreed on a political declaration after meetings in Ethiopia. Their joint declaration read: "the constitution or the law must not violate the freedoms and rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international and regional covenants. Any law issued in contravention of this declaration and charters shall be null and unconstitutional.”

 "The human rights principles included in these charters are fundamental principles in the constitution of Sudan, and it not is allowed to violate, amend, or skip them under any pretext,” it added.