SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Multiple sources - Sudan’s ruling coalition factions sign new political charter

9/9/2021: Multiple sources - Sudan’s ruling coalition factions sign new political charter

·      Sudan Tribune

·       al-Taghyeer

43 members of the ruling Forces for Freedom and Change (FCC) signed the Political Declaration of the Unity of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), which reiterated their unity and determination to achieve the foundation for democratic reforms and to hold general elections at the end of the transitional period.

The signed text also stated that the need to build a unified and professional army that reflects diversity and is based on a new military doctrine, which "requires a serious dialogue between civilians and the military to determine the nature of reforms."

The charter also promised to work together with the military to establish support the Empowerment Removal Committee to dismantle the former regime, build the state of law, justice and democracy, alongside pledges to remove the obstacles preventing the formation of the Transitional Legislative Council, the Constitutional Court, the High Judicial Council and the Public Prosecution Council.