SUDAN NEWS ALERT: Sudan Tribune -Two killed in inter-communal attack in Sudan’s Kassala state

2/8/2020: Sudan Tribune -Two killed in inter-communal attack in Sudan’s Kassala state

 Sudan Tribune report that two people were killed and 28 other wounded in an attack on a village in New Halfa of Kassala, eastern Sudan.

 Salah Sayed Ahmed of the Nubian League in the village of 10 Iskan said the village was attacked by surprise by a group belonging to the Zaghawa tribe, police unable to contain the situation. Eyewitnesses told Sudan Tribune that a quarrel between two people led the Zaghawa to call tribesmen from other villages before launching an attack.

 A large number of the Zaghawa of Darfur region have settled in New Halfa where they work as farmers.

 Salah accused the authorities of being slow to deal with the events, with locals reportedly filing several cases in the past without concrete measures being taken.