[TRANSLATED] SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: Al-Initibaha - Why insist on appointing Saleh Ammar?

2/8/2020: al-Initibaha - Why insist on appointing Saleh Ammar?, by al-Sheikh Saleh

 In the pro-Islamist al-Intibaha newspaper, columnist al-Sheikh Saleh calls for prospective Kassala governor Saleh Ammar to “clear the way for the appointment of another person in his position”.

 The author argues that Ammar’s resignation will lift the embarrassment of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok “who found himself in this great dilemma because he did not read the reality closely,” criticising Ammar’s nomination as governor on the grounds of his military background in light of Kassala’s “suffering from many security threats, such as smuggling problems, lack of resources, and tribal wars.”

 As well as suggesting that Ammar “lacks practical experience,” the  author also argues that Ammar does not have local acceptance, citing protests against him in neighbouring states of the Red Sea and Gadarif.