SUDAN INSIGHT ALERT: AFP - Sudan in revolt is deja-vu for Egyptians driven out by repression

3/7/19: AFP - Sudan in revolt is deja-vu for Egyptians driven out by repression

 In a feature piece, AFP spoke to Egyptian Islamists exiled in Sudan after the President Abdelfattah Al Sisi coup, who drew similarities between their situation and that of Sudanese protesters.

 AFP notes that in contrast to Egypt, Sudan’s uprising is led by liberal movements and professional unions against an Islamist regime.

 Political analyst H.A. Hellyer said that while Sudan was initially a “safe-haven” for Egyptian Islamist dissidents, “the new Sudanese regime is currently reformulating its geopolitical position,” amid its alliance with anti-Islamist entities Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt.

 Egyptian Islamist exile Ahmed said that his friends have left Sudan for Turkey following the power change, although he personally avoids Sudanese political life. He said that “I feel like these people in the streets are a lot like us…the same dreams, the same ambitions, the same fears, the same desire for change, the same naivety too.”